Being a member of a small in-house creative team gives you a lot of freedom and a lot of responsibility.

Zipcar Urbanites study
Key roles: UI, art direction and design
Winner of a GDUSA in-house award
Zipcar's main goal is to promote responsible urban living. So it made perfect sense that Zipcar should get to know these urbanites. In years past they have done surveys of their main audience but this year they wanted to take that survey and really dissect the results. The opportunity to create an online animated infographic of the survey was given to me.
The Zipcar Urbanites Study focused on four categories of lifestyle, money, transportation and urban citizenship. And covered all age ranges and car ownerships status from people who didn't own a car to families that owned more than one car.
After reviewing the results we pulled out the most meaningful statistics and I began to organize them into four chapters. Each chapter highlighting key findings from the study. After the design was complete I worked with Zipcar developers to build this animated infographic into a fully responsive web page. The final result was recognized by Graphic Design USA in it's in-house design awards.

Campaign pitch
Key roles: Art direction and design
Believe it or not Zipcar is largely a seasonal business. When the weather is nice reservations always jump up. This makes it extremely important to capitalize on the busy summer months. Zipcar Urbaneers was a pitch project to ad some extra incentive to members to get out and drive. Members can earn a curated set of badges designed to promote everyday driving for errands as well as more lofty escapes out of the city.
I created a set of key visuals from standard Zipcar elements like A frames for market offices to uncommon pieces like subway advertising and survival kits for members left in cars. Along with a board of visual inspiration it laid the ground work for a future activation for members later in the fall.

Digital Ads
Key roles: Art direction and design
Nearly all of Zipcar's digital advertising was my responsibility in my tenure there. This entailed reading through briefs and concepting with copywriters. Once the concepts were aligned design began, each round produced many options that were whittled down first within the creative team than even further with the rest of the digital marketing team. Finally production began, with resizing it wasn't uncommon to produce over a hundred ads for a single suite of ads. Here's a sampling of some of the ads I produced during my time at Zipcar.
Next project
Cessna hadn't updated their website in since the early 2000's and it showed. They didn't have to worry since their wait list went on for years. But after the down term in the economy they had to rethink their strategy. The first step was a ground up rebuild of their website.